Finalists of Year Three Class of 2022, in procession towards award of a Diploma in Philosophical & Social Studies Studies of Uganda Martyrs’ Alokolum National Major Seminary .

His Lordship, the Rt. Rev. Sanctus Lino Wanok, the Bishop Ordinary of Lira Catholic Diocese, presides over the Commissioning and Graduation Mass of 2022.

The Clergy and Religious, the Foster Parents and Biological Parents of Alokolum Seminarians, the Seminarians, etc. in attendance of the Commissioning and Graduation Mass 2022.

Seminarian Ssenyungule Paul of the finalists’ class, distinguished himself as the best Musician, the Liturgy Choir master and conductor

The finalists of 2022 candidates being commissioned in Mass by the Rt. Rev. Sanctus Lino Wanok, assisted by Rev. Fr. Charles Olweny-the rector of Alokolum Seminary